Download and Install WhatsHelp Chat Button for your WordPress site. This Plugin is tagged as “facebook messenger,messaging,viber,whatsapp,whatshelp” and the author is Whatshelp. You can find this file or similar, from most popular wp stores like,,,, …
It’s the time! You can Download WhatsHelp Chat Button website plugin Now you can. Get WhatsHelp Chat Button 1.2.0 (or higher version) website plugin created by Whatshelp and use it for your client.. This wordpress plugin 1.2.0 version was updated on 5 months but conceivably there is a newer version available.Why you should buy this plugin? [‘The Chat button by WhatsHelp takes website visitor directly to the messaging app such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp and allows them to initiate a conversation with you. After that, both you and your customers can follow up the conversation anytime and anywhere!.’] Are you thinking of installing WhatsHelp Chat Button plugin? Let’s check out:
How to Install WhatsHelp Chat Button WordPress Plugin?
Adding WhatsHelp Chat Button to your WordPress site is really easy, follow these steps :
- Install and activate the WhatsHelp Plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- After installation, click the WhatsHelp section in the left toolbar.
- Create you own button at and copy the button code.
- Go back to WordPress console, paste the code and press Save changes.
- Done!
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