Storefront Product Pagination Download Free WordPress Plugin

Storefront Product Pagination Download Free Wordpress Plugin 1

Download & Install Storefront Product Pagination for your WordPress template. This Plugin is tagged as “ecommerce,pagination,products,storefront,woocommerce” and the creator is WooThemes. You can find this file or similar, from most popular wp stores like,,,, …

Today you can Download Storefront Product Pagination plugin Now you can. Get Storefront Product Pagination 1.2.4 (or higher version) plugin created by WooThemes and install it for your project.. This wordpress plugin 1.2.4 version was updated on 4 months but possibly there is a newer version available.What could you do with this great plugin? [‘A simple plugin that displays next and previous links on single product pages. A product thumbnail is displayed with the title revealed on hover.’] Do you want to install Storefront Product Pagination? Let’s check out:

How to Install Storefront Product Pagination WordPress Plugin?


  1. Upload storefront-product-pagination to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure the display in the Customizer (look for the ‘Product Pagination’ section).
  4. Done!

How to Download Storefront Product Pagination latest version

Download Storefront Product Pagination

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