Download and Install myStickymenu for your WordPress website. This Plugin is tagged as “header,menu,sticky,sticky header,sticky menu” and the Web development team is m.r.d.a. You can find this file or similar, from most popular marketplaces like,,,, …
It’s the time! You can Download myStickymenu plugin It’s the time!. Get myStickymenu 2.0.5 (or higher version) plugin created by m.r.d.a and use it for your personal or business site.. This WP Plugin 2.0.5 version was updated on 5 months but it is possible there is a newer version available.What can you do with this wp plugin? [‘By default, sticky menu is designed to use element class “.navbar” as “Sticky Class”.’] Are you thinking of installing this wp-plugin? Let’s check out:
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Install like any other plugin. After install activate.
Go to Settings / myStickymenu and change Sticky Class to .your_navbar_class or #your_navbar_id . Sticky Class should be HTML id or class of the HTML element desired to be sticky… Clear WordPress cache if exists.