Gwolle Guestbook Download Free WordPress Plugin

Gwolle Guestbook Download Free Wordpress Plugin 1

Download and Install Gwolle Guestbook for your WordPress theme. This Plugin is tagged as “Gästebuch,guest book,guestbook,livre d’or,review” and the creator is Marcel Pol. You can find this file or similar, from most popular sites like,,,, …

It’s the time! Download Gwolle Guestbook wp plugin Now you can. Get Gwolle Guestbook 2.6.5 (or higher version) wp plugin created by Marcel Pol and use it for your personal or business site.. This Plugin 2.6.5 version was updated on 3 weeks but maybe there is a newer version available.What could you do with this awesome wp-plugin? [‘nGwolle Guestbook is not just another guestbook for WordPress. The goal is to provide an easy and slim way to integrate a guestbook into your WordPress powered site.’] Are you thinking of installing this wordpress plugin? Let’s check out:

How to Install Gwolle Guestbook WordPress Plugin?



  • Install the plugin through the admin page “Plugins”.
  • Alternatively, unpack and upload the contents of the zipfile to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Place ‘[gwolle_gb]’ in a page. That’s it.

As an alternative for the shortcode, you can use the function show_gwolle_gb(); to show the guestbook in your templates.
It couldn’t be easier.

Updating from an old version

With version 1.0 there have been some changes:

  • Gwolle Guestbook uses the Shortcode API now. Make sure your Guestbook page uses ‘[gwolle_gb]’ instead of the old one.
  • The entries that are visible to visitors have changed. Make sure to check if you have everything visible that you want and nothing more.
  • CSS has changed somewhat. If you have custom CSS, you want to check if it still applies.


The plugin itself is released under the GNU General Public License. A copy of this license can be found at the license homepage or
in the gwolle-gb.php file at the top.

Hooks: Actions and Filters


How to Download Gwolle Guestbook latest version

Download Gwolle Guestbook

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